Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's week number 2 on my picture-taking quest. It was a bit of a quiet week, so I found I had to get a bit creative to find some interesting pictures. I wouldn't consider myself to have much artistic touch with my camera, so I might have to learn some things if I'm going to compete my goal!
One interesting thing that happened this week wasn't something I personally witnessed, but it brings me back to my internship days in Minneapolis. A small tornado hit the apartment block that I used to live on. It sounds like my top-floor apartment now has a much more, um, open feel to it :). I couln't find a picture of my exact apartment complex on the internet, but here is a picture from my general neighborhood.

A pretty regular habit of mine is to go hang out at a coffee shop on Wednesday nights. It has a wonderful outdoor yard with live music and a great atmosphere. It was tough to get a picture since almost every table was filled, but here's a small glimpse.

I was also able to get together with my friend April this week. She and I ran the Salt Lake marathon this spring, but haven't been able to coordinate our schedules much this summer. It was great to grab some frozen yogert and catch up!
This Saturday I went to Bear Lake. You can't really tell from the photos, but it's well known for it's deep blue "carribean like" hue. The water was a bit chilly, but incredibly clear! Below, Angie and I are getting in touch with our inner child (not too hard to find) by creating a sand castle.

It's also famous for it's raspberry shakes, so we made sure to take advantage!

One the way home we stopped for dinner - my friend Angie was thrilled to find a quality restaurant with her name.

Now that I look at it, ice cream was a real theme this week..frozen yogert, raspberry shakes, and a quick ice cream break at work. Mmmm!

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