Sunday, January 17, 2010

Just a short blog post today. It's the middle of January, and pretty much nothing exciting is going on. After traveling so much in December, though, it amost feels good to grind back into the ho-hum of daily life.

I have had fun trying out a couple of new Christmas presents. What could be more fun (and tasty) than a mini fondue party? What's your favorite thing to dip into chocolate?

Also had some fun trying out other people's Christmas gifts. Nothing like a wii to bring people together. I predict that, 10 years from now, wii sports will be remembered as the "duck hunt" of our generation. Ahh, fond memories!

In case any of you non-Utahns are feeling sorry for yourself, I'll include this picture in my blog. Yes, this is what Salt Lake considers to be a "bad air" day. In other words, SMOG. Ick! Looks like the backdrop of a "green earth" political commercial, doesn't it? Looking foward to a really good snowstorm to clear it out! In the meantime, it's best to head up to the mountains whenever possible!

Yes, Salt Lake definately has its pros and cons. Smog is a con, but it is matched by a pro: we are a prime location to get into the Olympic spirit! The world cup ariel and ski competition was held in Park City this weekend. What will be $5oo a ticket a month from now in Vancouver was free here. It was fun to see several Olympic athletes heading down the slopes here. Here is my first video I've ever put in my blog. My apologies for its direction though - I forgot that video's can't be flipped around after filming, so you're gonna either have to turn your computer to its side or turn yourself on your side to watch!

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